When the Unthinkable Happens

Although most wrongful death claims can be resolved through a settlement,
sometimes you need the right lawyer to take the case to trial and fight for what’s right.

Looking for the Right Maui Attorney
for Wrongful Death?

Our mission is to advocate for clients to receive the maximum award for pain and suffering for a sudden death in a loved one. When someone is killed because of the negligent or reckless actions of another, it leaves behind devastation on the family that they left behind. We know just how difficult this tragedy is and our firm is committed prepared to guide your family throughout the entire case.

We deal with all the legal requirements in these cases, so families can grieve without the additional stress brought on by bringing a case forward. There will never be an amount of financial compensation that will be able to bring total healing to the family, but it can take away the additional economic burdens experienced by the remaining family members.

We have a free case evaluation so that you can tell us about the details of your personal injury case quickly and easily.

Our legal work includes:

  • Medical and funeral expenses associated with the death
  • The victim’s future earnings and benefits at their present value
  • Lost inheritance
  • Survivors’ pain
  • Suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Possible punitive damages

Getting Compensation for Wrongful Deaths

Hawaii law mandates that wrongful death claims are filed in court within two years of the victim’s exposure to harm and the appearance of their injuries, not from the time of death. The City and County of Honolulu and certain other counties maintain a six-month time limit. Contact our Law Office of David L. Hart as soon as possible and we will ensure that your claim before the statute of limitations runs out.

Request a Free Consultation from the
Law Office of David L.Hart.

Our team works on a contingency fee basis. This means you won’t pay any
legal fees until and unless we win your case. It’s just another way we help
our clients to make sure all of us have a common goal: optimize recovery
financially and physically. Our office has the best team to have on your side
after an injury.

If you lost a loved one in a wrongful death, you may have a right to be compensated for:
  • Survival Statutes
    Referring to surviving immediate family members can continue pressing the initial charges and to collect the damages their loved one would have received.
  • Personal Awards
    Separate wrongful death charges to claim their own emotional and financial losses. The amount of compensation awarded to survivors is based on their present financial dependence on the victim.


Avoid making any kind of statement on the events, especially if you intend to bring a case. Public statements
usually harm your cause.

Don’t wait long to file a case. Two year limit in Hawaii.

Only speak to us about your case, and avoid talking to insurance companies

Make sure the settlement covers the
compensation of medical expenses,
funeral expenses, loss of consortium, loss of future earnings, and pain and suffering of the decedent(s).


The quicker you get in touch with
The Law Office of David Hart,
the quicker we can start working for the outcome you deserve.
Call 808-871-5490, now